Behold, VANILLA! No longer the overlooked cousin of chocolate, vanilla has come into its own with our new Vanilla Iced Cakebite. A moist vanilla cake, layered with a sweet vanilla cream, covered in icing and topped with vanilla sprinkles. Our edible, bite-sized celebration of the second most expensive spice in the world (saffron is #1, but our bakers can only do so much with saffron). First grown in the Americas by the Mayans, Vanilla has been in high demand since the 1500s. We know what you’re thinking, how will I share these with other people?! Do not fret, there are 3 pieces in each on-the-go package! Share and celebrate a flavor enjoyed as an American spice celebrated around the world for over 500 years;
indulge in our Vanilla Iced Cakebites.!
Family 4 Packs

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